Xamarin vs. Flutter For Mobile Development? 8 Reasons To Pick Flutter

Xamarin vs. Flutter: 8 Major Reasons to Pick Flutter for Mobile App Development

Michał Kochmański

With the rising popularity of cross-mobile application development, many new frameworks and technologies started to mark their presence. One of them is Xamarin, a Microsoft-backed open-source platform. In 2019, I decided to hop onto this bandwagon and start my mobile dev adventure with Xamarin.Forms.

It was all alright once I encountered Flutter, a revolutionary framework by Google. After I used it, I knew there was no going back. 

In this post, I’ll briefly compare Flutter and Xamarin and present why I transitioned to Flutter for mobile development. I'll highlight how Flutter development services can help businesses and developers create better mobile experiences. I hope this article gives you a deeper understanding of why Flutter is a great choice for app development in 2024.

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Flutter vs. Xamarin: Introduction

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled mobile, web, desktop, and embedded applications from a single codebase. It is an open-source technology available for developers and designers free of charge. It was announced in 2015 at the Dart Developer Summit. Originally, it enabled the development of Android mobile operating system applications, supporting content rendering at up to 120 frames per second. The first stable version appeared in 2017.

Xamarin, on the other hand, is an older technology than Flutter. It has been around since 2011 and became part of Microsoft in 2016. The current form of Xamarin was created by Mono developers as a solution for building cross-platform applications. Development in Xamarin was based on the same language, allowing code to be shared across all supported platforms. 

Initially, each platform's user interface (UI) was not reusable. The solution appeared in 2014: Xamarin.Forms was born. Xamarin.Forms delivered an abstraction layer above the various platforms' UI concepts. Thanks to this, developers were able to reuse most of their code across all platforms. In 2016, Microsoft bought it out and integrated it into the NET platforms. 

Flutter and Xamarin are both cross-platform mobile application development frameworks, so what makes them different? 

The two biggest differences between Xamarin and Flutter are the languages ​​used and how the interface is rendered. In Xamarin, the UI is implemented using XAML with C# support. In Flutter, logic and the entire UI are handled by a modern, powerful language—Dart. Also, the way the UI is rendered is significantly different. However, when comparing the two, Flutter services offer clear advantages regarding UI performance and rendering, which are handled by the Skia rendering engine in real-time. In contrast, Xamarin translates a tree of native controls, leading to slower performance.

Why I Initially Chose Xamarin?

The definition and functioning basis of Xamarin sounds encouraging to most developers. I fell for it too. 

First, many of us are familiar with standards-based markup languages such as HTML, which allows us to describe what a UI should look like. Therefore, XAML shouldn't be weird. Second, C# is a very user-friendly and powerful programming language that is used and loved by millions.

According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024,C# is used by 27.1%of professional developers worldwide. Moreover, Xamarin enables developers to share an average of 90% of their applications across platforms. It means you can write all business logic in a single language and achieve native performance, look, and feel on each platform. That’s all about theory. In practice, working with Xamarin left me with slightly different impressions.

What Are Xamarin’s Drawbacks?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise if I said I had many problems with the basic framework, plugins, and the general appearance and quality of the application (otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading my conversion-to-Flutter story). Most of my colleagues didn’t like (or even hated!) what Xamarin offered. 

I quickly concluded that writing the Flutter application (for iOS and Android) would require less effort and undoubtedly be more up to my expectations regarding the result. The two biggest problems I encountered when working with Xamarin were: 

  • User Interface. For Xamarin.Forms, a single shared codebase, does not make the UI look the same on different platforms. The simple reason for this is that Xamarin.Forms map the XAML you write to a platform-specific implementation. Take the Entry control, for example. XAML maps the appropriate control for the target framework.

User interface built in Xamarin - iOS vs Android Xamarin vs. Flutter: 8 Compelling Reasons to Pick Flutter for Mobile App Development

User interface built in Xamarin - iOS vs Android, Source: Microsoft Docs

These controls work as you would expect for simple UI elements, but the moment you want to add something more advanced (such as gradients, animations, shadows, borders, etc.), you need to implement custom controls. It is not that easy when we expect a positive reaction from the client, graphic designer, or potential users. 

  • “Customer renderer” trouble. If you are looking for a specific appearance on Xamarin Forms, you need to write a "custom renderer" for the target framework. Ignoring that writing platform-specific code in a cross-platform application primarily defeats the purpose of a cross-platform solution, writing these renderers is really painful. What’s more, you must create a platform-specific custom renderer not in that platform's native language, such as Swift or Kotlin, but instead in a C#.

This is where Flutter app development shines. With Flutter solutions, you can avoid these headaches and achieve a smoother, more unified app development experience across platforms.

Although, in 2020, Microsoft introduced the evolution of Xamarin.Forms- .NET Cross-Platform Application Interface (MAUI), I stayed with Flutter. And suddenly, all the problems I had when working with the Xamarin framework disappeared. My thoughts about abandoning mobile technologies for Web technologies (popping into my head after countless hours spent on creating my controls and eliminating visual differences between platforms) were dispelled by Flutter. 

UPDATE: Support for Xamarin.Forms officially ended on May 1, 2024, meaning Microsoft no longer provides updates, bug fixes, or security patches for the framework. As a result, developers had to migrate to .NET MAUI, its successor built for cross-platform app development. While existing Xamarin applications continue to function, they will likely encounter compatibility issues and challenges with future platform updates. The transition made it crucial for businesses to plan their migration strategy carefully—either by transitioning to .NET MAUI or exploring alternative frameworks like Flutter or React Native.

8 Reasons Why Flutter Shines

I started my technology switch by rewriting the Xamarin application to view offers, create wishlists, and order products into Flutter. I was amazed at how easily I created the views. The same things happened in Xamarin.Forms that kept me awake at night could be done faster and nicer in Flutter. I was impressed by the multitude of options for customizing default components and the same appearance on different platforms. The smooth operation of Flutter applications made it clear to me that there’s no coming back to Xamarin.

Actually, I found plenty of other reasons to support Flutter. Here's why I now strongly recommend working with Flutter developers to build your apps.

Flutter's Rising Popularity

Nearly half a million apps use Flutter! Flutter became the most popular cross-platform UI toolkit, as measured by analysts such as Statista and SlashData.

Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by software developers worldwide from 2020 to 2023 Xamarin vs. Flutter: 8 Compelling Reasons to Pick Flutter for Mobile App Development

Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by software developers worldwide from 2020 to 2023, Source: Statista 

You may wonder why Flutter has become so popular. The answer is simple. Using this framework is simple and intuitive. You learn one language, and you can create beautiful user interfaces with advanced animations for various platforms with little effort. 

In the beginning, a rich catalog of widgets is well documented. Moreover, Flutter is developed by a large community. There are many open-source packages written by Flutter developers around the world. If you also plan to get your application up and running without straining your pocket, consider a cross-platform application development in Flutter. This is what this framework makes possible. Flutter is also suitable for novice mobile developers. Additionally, its popularity may be due to Flutter being Google’s offspring.

Flutter Simplifies Code Sharing

One of Flutter's biggest advantages is that it can share code between platforms almost completely, saving developers time and effort. This leads to more efficient development workflows, particularly when utilizing Flutter app development company solutions that further streamline the process.

With Flutter, developers write a single codebase in one language—Dart—which powers the language and runtime behind Flutter apps, ensuring smooth performance and consistent functionality across all platforms.

Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Its goal is to offer the most productive programming language for multi-platform development, paired with a flexible execution runtime platform for app frameworks.

Dart Overview

Flutter’s Performance

Flutter doesn't use the operating system's built-in platform widgets. Instead, it provides a set of Material Design and Cupertino (iOS-styled) widgets. They are managed and rendered by the framework and the Flutter engine. Thanks to the fact that built-in widgets of a specific platform are not used, we gain flexibility and eliminate limitations.

As you know, application performance is crucial for user-friendly UX. Most of us will quickly become discouraged from using an application running slowly. What distinguishes Flutter from other cross-platform frameworks in this regard? Flutter application is built directly into the machine code, eliminating performance bugs in the interpretation process.

The Power of Flutter’s Widgets

It is worth paying special attention to the widget concept. Anyone who works with this technology will notice the power of the widget approach. Practically everything related to the application's graphic layer is a widget.

The most common widget is a view or a graphic control, but there are also those used, for example, to manage animations or detect gestures. There are two words to look at for the graphic layer. Often, different sources indicate that everything in Flutter is a widget, which is not quite a true statement. After all, in our application, we also have business logic in addition to views. 

Let's take an example of a method that checks if a given day of the week is a business day. Can such a helper method be called a widget?

DateRangePicker - Widget type Xamarin vs. Flutter: 8 Compelling Reasons to Pick Flutter for Mobile App Development
widget Xamarin vs. Flutter: 8 Compelling Reasons to Pick Flutter for Mobile App Development

This widget uses the isBusinessDay method, which is not a widget but an auxiliary method for checking whether a given day of the week is a working day. It returns a bool, not a Widget type.

helper method widget Xamarin vs. Flutter: 8 Compelling Reasons to Pick Flutter for Mobile App Development

Pub: Flutter’s Package Manager

Regarding widgets, Pub is the package manager for the Dart programming language, containing reusable libraries and packages for Flutter, AngularDart, and general Dart programs. The Flutter Ecosystem Committee selects some of the highest-quality packages. The Flutter Favorite program aims to identify packages and plugins that you should first consider when building your app. 

The number of well-rated packages is constantly increasing. Sound null safety is available in Dart 2.12 and Flutter 2, so when you’re wondering if the found package is valuable, check whether it supports null safety. Remember to pay attention to the date of the last update of the package. It may turn out that the package has not been updated for a long time. This is not a guarantee of quality or suitability to your particular situation — you should always perform your evaluation of packages and plugins for your needs. 

Packages simplify developers' work, e.g., HTTP packages. Many of them are unlimited in use and well documented. When partnering with a Flutter app development agency, developers will use this rich ecosystem of tools to speed up development and improve app functionality.

Hot Reload: Flutter’s Fast Development Feature

The great advantage of creating applications in Flutter is the "Hot reload" function. Building the view is time-consuming. Imagine that we have to restart our application every time we change our code to see the effects. Thanks to hot reload, the changes can be observed at any time. It is enough to press the appropriate key combination to observe our view in various configurations. Flutter developers often cite this as one of the reasons they prefer Flutter over other frameworks. Hot reload is also present for other mobile frameworks/tools, but in Flutter, it works great and fast, making it easy for beginners to learn the process of building layouts quickly.

Flutter’s Mobile Development and Beyond

While Xamarin primarily focuses on mobile, Flutter is a true multi-platform framework. It enables you to create mobile apps, web, desktop, and even embedded applications—all from a single codebase. The promise from Flutter.dev sounds like “Build apps for any screen,” and it seems to be kept. You can build, test, and deploy beautiful mobile, web, desktop, and embedded apps from a single codebase. Flutter contributors are working hard to release a stable version of Flutter for each of these platforms. This versatility is a key reason many developers and businesses choose Flutter app development services for their projects.

Bridging the Plug-in Gap with Flutter

Many mobile applications rely on advanced operating system-level functions, such as downloading GPS coordinates or collecting sensor data. Plugins supported by Google solve many of these problems. When there are cases when your application relies on an operating system-level feature that is not yet available as a plug-in, don't worry! Flutter provides easy-to-establish communication between the platform's native code and the Dart through the platform's channels.

Does Flutter Really Have It All?

To sum up, Flutter allows you to create applications with beautiful, advanced views while their performance is similar to native solutions. Moreover, the process involves lower costs than in other cross-platform solutions. In addition, the UI looks the same on every platform.

With its customizable widgets, high performance, and vibrant community, Flutter development services are a compelling option for companies of all sizes. And if any widget or functionality is missing, thanks to Pub, we may find an elegant open-source solution. Once we feel confident in this technology, we can add our package and thus build our position. With good ratings and high popularity, your package will certainly contribute to building your strong personal brand. 

So, are you ready to give Flutter a chance? If you’re considering a cross-platform framework for your next project, Flutter should be at the top of your list. Whether you choose to collaborate with Flutter developers or a Flutter app development agency, the benefits of this framework are clear.

Further Reading:

Would you like to dive deeper into why Flutter might be the best choice for your app development? We've got you covered! Whether comparing Flutter with other frameworks or exploring its features and benefits, these articles will help you make informed decisions.

Check out Flutter vs. React Native: What’s Best for Your App in 2024? for a side-by-side comparison, or explore Top 6 Reasons for Using Flutter for Mobile App Development. Also, learn more about the magic of Flutter widgets that make development a breeze!

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